Welcome to the unofficial Jan Hammer site Forums Composers Area Patches and Settings A Jan Hammer Lead Sound setting (General)

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  • #689
    Erwin Vos

    A Jan Hammer Lead Sound setting (General). I found this patch years ago in a newsgroup post.

    Osc 1: 10% pulse, Oct: 8′ or 4′ , mixer vol: 9
    Osc 2: Saw, Oct: 8′ or 4″, mixer vol: 2.5, freq: min or no beating.
    Filter res: 0, freq:about 150Hz, FEG amt: +3.3, mode: 4-pole LP, kb amt: 0
    FEG A: min, D: 6, S: 5 (or 0), R:=D
    AEG A: min D: 5, S: 9, R:=D, Trigger: Single, Glide: Off
    LFO rate: 5.9Hz, Wheel amt: 1.9, Dest: pitch, Source: vibrato-trill or trill.

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